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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 08/05/2009
                                AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1, Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Linda Meyers, Brett Eisenlohr, Robert Martin and Marty Kaplan.  Members absent: James DiPace and Bernard Zahren.  Advisory member present: Giorgina Paiella.  Advisory members absent: Diane Zhao and John Craig. Also in attendance was staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne.

Marty Kaplan motioned, Brett Eisenlohr seconded and all members present agreed to accept the July 1, 2009 minutes as written.  


Mr. Kaplan reminded the committee members of the upcoming Farmington Woods Green Team Festival to be held this coming October 17th.  It will be basically educational with presentations regarding energy efficiency renewables, organic products, toxicity and organic cooking and other items. Mr. Kaplan brought along a letter for distribution to those who'd be interested in contributing. He expects a large turnout.  

Robert Martin spoke of a recent seminar (Energy Boot Camp) he and Brett Eisenlohr attended at the Meriden Sheraton put on by the Emily Hall Tremane Foundation along with the Casey Foundation.  It was a workshop for clean energy commissions and local officials on how to obtain and work together on getting grants.  Joel Rogers, from the University of Wisconsin, was very informative and spoke in depth about where things are going in the next twenty to thirty years. Chairman Gressier suggested including a summary of the seminar in the next meeting's agenda. Mr. Eisenlohr added the group also suggested starting with a comprehensive plan.

Linda Meyers told of her outreach efforts with members of the local Real Estate Bar to have packets, for all the new residents coming into town and surrounding towns, which talk about the energy commissions and incentives.  She also suggested outreach to the Newcomers because it is the Welcome Wagon in town. Ms. Dearstyne added that her office sends welcome packets out from the Town Council each month.  Ms. Meyers suggested adding energy information to the packets handed out by each group and will coordinate the effort with Ms. Dearstyne.

Mr. Kaplan expressed his concerns with what projects the stimulus grants would cover.   Projects that are going to be funded by Connecticut or CL & P, such as re-lamping or audits, would not be covered by the stimulus monies.  Chairman Gressier asked Mr. Kaplan to check with the Office of Policy and Management to confirm what would or would not be covered.

Chairman Gressier spoke of his recent visit to one of his customers in Danbury.  They use a technology to capture gas emissions from, for example breweries, extract chemicals and then use these to produce electricity. Unlike solar power, it is able to be used all the time.

V. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Discuss the Block Grant Recommendations, 2. Canton Hydro Project Update - Marty, 3. Avon Day
Chairman Gressier presented several suggestions for the $75,000 block grant:

                                1 - Energy Plan - approximately $20,000
                         2 - Anti-Idling Signage and Educational Materials - free from the DEP to schools, approximately $4,250 for municipal buildings and parks - with savings seen in emissions and fuel costs to town
                                3 - Public Works Overhead Garage Door Replacement - approximately $48,045 - with heating costs savings of $10,000/year

Chairman Gressier is currently working on replacement costs/savings for the air conditioning units in Buildings 1 & 2 as well as an audit to determine lamp replacement costs at the schools.  Most of the town's energy costs are paid by the Board of Education. Ms. Dearstyne and Ms. Meyers emphasized the need to prioritize our wants for the Town Council presentation. Mr. Gressier said the members would do this at the next meeting, September 2nd. Ms. Dearstyne reminded the group that a project, such as the garage door replacements, could not be in the capital improvement budget to be considered for the grant.

Ms. Meyers asked if the anti-idling signage could extend to commercial entities in town as well as municipal properties.  Mr. Gressier said the town's was a good start.  Mr. Martin agreed that anti-idling would start with the town and grow. Mr. Eisenlohr spoke of a recent article telling of idling "stings" that resulted in many tickets issued with fines of $75 - $400, depending on the area.

Mr. Kaplan discussed the Canton Hydro Project. They are currently trying to hire an engineering consultant firm to assess feasibility, operation and maintenance, purchasing new equipment vs. using what's in place, costs of clean-up of the dam/dams etc.. They have received ten proposals and will choose three firms to interview in September.  He emphasized the RFP process included a "request for qualifications" rather than focus on the lowest bid. The interesting thing is there is no money yet for the feasibility study unless they use some of their stimulus money. He added there are lots of problems: with new licensing vs. renewal, EPA wanting new requirements put into CT law, construction start date requirement of January 2011 with licensing issues, potential lawsuits, unknown clean up costs or the potential of toxicity being released with construction etc.  Millions of dollars would be needed to clean up sludge even before construction would begin.  The potential for payback is nil as power generated back to CL & P would get .03 per 2 mega watts capability that generated at a cost of .18-.20 a kilowatt hour. The Town supports this project and has not paid any money into this project yet.  

Ms. Meyers discussed Avon Day.  She suggested combining the town's efforts with the school Clean Energy Club. Mr. Eisenlohr suggested handing out energy efficient light bulbs to people who sign up for clean energy.  Mr. Gressier can look into getting bulbs wholesale.  Mr. Martin will check to get two tables together on a corner to optimize exposure. Ms. Meyers added that people attending Avon Day would love free things and to keep the message simple, less technical. Ms. Paiella will provide energy saving handouts taken from suggestions in the high school paper article, "24 Easy Ways to Go Green."  She can also bring her Clean Energy Club banner to display. Ms. Dearstyne reminded the members the date of Avon Day is September 26th and the booths are 10' x 10'.  

VI. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discuss possible regional Competitive Grant projects, 2. School Energy Contest
Mr. Gressier held off discussing the regional grant projects until the next meeting and focused on the school energy contest. The idea is to let the schools compete on their energy consumption. There are benchmarks so they know what they spent last year and could easily measure their progress. Whoever reduced the most would receive a prize. Mr. Martin said West Hartford had done this and will contact them to see how they did it.  Ms. Barbara Zuras, an audience member and member of the Board of Education, cautioned that there are state laws that prevent us from lowering the thermostats too low in schools. Mr. Gressier asked her to research the restrictions. She said she would ask at the next Board of Education meeting.  Ms. Meyers suggested inviting the new Superintendent of Schools David Erwin to a meeting.

Ms. Dearstyne and Mr. Gressier discussed items to be included on the next meeting's agenda:          
                1) Prioritize Grant recommendations
                  2) Discuss Energy Boot Camp
                  3) Next year's meeting schedule
                 4) Button down Avon Day planning
                  5) Regional Grant


Chairman Gressier motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM.

                                                Respectfully submitted:
                                                Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk